CA Observer passes, Capitol Alert begins!
So, if you haven't noticed from the lack of posts, the blogging days here are the California Observer have been indefinitely suspended. But that doesn't mean I am not still writing stories in cyberspace. In fact, today marks the official launch of the Sacramento Bee's Capitol Alert, a spanking new subscription-based Web site that aims to be your new home for California political news. As for me, I will be writing original stories for the site on a continuous basis--think of as newspaper reporting but with a deadline of 5 minutes ago instead of 5pm. Also inside, you will find many exciting features, including exclusive blogs from Bee columnists Dan Weintraub, Dan Walters, and Steve Wiegand, early access to the Bee's political coverage, a comprehensive Capitol calendar and clippings of the day's most important stories and editorials. And for you Blackberry users out there: It's all accessible on your handheld device. So check it out, and pass your hot tips on to me there. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to read the CA Observer for the past year and a half. |