Move On...Vote On, the progressive coalition that spend millions trying to defeat President Bush last year, sent out an e-mail today about the California special election. But instead of urging No voters on each of the governor's propositions, they asked for people to vote--with the winners receiving a MoveOn endorsement. Today we're announcing a "MoveOn Members Endorse 2005" project, asking members to recommend positions on the key initiatives on the ballot. If two-thirds of responding members agree on a position on the ballot, we'll make that position an official MoveOn endorsement and publish the results for the world to see. If we put our voices together, we can get the word out, forming a powerful progressive voting bloc. Not that the vote is likely to turn out against the Alliance for a Better California. But coming on the heels of Howard Dean and John Kerry visiting the state, it is curious that MoveOn is asking for opinions rather than giving them. |
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