Bugging out
The Bee's Buzz column today has an fun item about Westly, a poster, and a labor meeting over the weekend. Steve Westly's Democratic gubernatorial campaign ran into trouble with the labor caucus at the state Democratic convention this weekend when one of his campaign volunteers held up an enlarged copy of his "positive campaign pledge." The problem? The sign lacked the "bug" symbol that denotes when an item is made by union workers. "Anything that doesn't bear a union label, we don't allow in our caucus," said Jim Gordon, chairman of the labor caucus. "It's scab material. ... The material is what was offensive, not the candidate." Westly spokesman Nick Velasquez said the campaign produced the sign in-house and thus didn't add a "bug." "I doubt that a single blown-up pledge that was produced by us and not sent out to a professional printer is reflective of his position on working families," Velasquez said. "It's a little silly." |
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