Titled and Summarized
The AG's office reports that several new initiatives have been titled and summarized. They ar: Healthcare for Uninsured Citizens. Tax Relief for Medical Professionals. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. (SA2005RF0095, Amdt. #1-S); Cigarette Tax. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute. (SA2005RF0097); Tax on Cigarettes. Initiative Constitutional Amendment And Statute. (SA2005RF0098); Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. (SA2005RF0100); Election Day Holiday. Initiative Statute. (SA2005RF0101); Invalidation of Domestic Partnerships. Marriage. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. (SA2005RF0102); and Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. (SA2005RF0104). Read them here. A couple more initiatives have been submitted for title and summary, including four versions of "The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006” and another three strikes reform act. |
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