Cartoons for Governor!
This month online animated cartoons are all the rage. Today, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Phil Angelides released a cartoon further his Bush-Schwarzenegger agenda message. Check it out here. |
The daily observations of Shane Goldmacher, a Capitol reporter covering the policy, politics and people of Sacramento.
Shane Goldmacher is a former reporter for Capitol Weekly. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley, where he served as editor of the Berkeley Political Review.
1A: 76.9-23.1
1B: 61.3-38.7
1C: 57.4-42.6
1D: 56.6-43.4
1E: 64-36
83: 70.6-29.4
84: 53.7-46.3
85: 45.9-54.1
86: 48-52
87: 45.2-54.8
88: 23-77
89: 25.5-74.5
90: 47.6-52.4
U.S. Sen.
Feinstein 59.7
Mountjoy 34.9
Schwarzenegger 55.8
Angelides 39.2
Lt. Gov
Garamendi 49.5
McClintock 44.9
Atty. Gen.
Brown 56.7
Poochigian 37.9
Sec. of state
Bowen 48.5
McPherson 44.7
Lockyer 54.8
Parrish 37
Chiang 50.9
Strickland 40.1
Insur. Comm.
Poizner 50.7
Bustamante 38.9
For complete election results click here.
Angelides 48.2
Westly 43.1
Lt. Gov
Garamendi 42.9
Speier 39.3
Figueroa 17.8
Atty. Gen.
Brown 63.2
Delgadillo 36.8
Sec. of state
Bowen 61.1
Ortiz 38.9
Parrish 56.4
Richman 43.6
Democratic primary
Chiang 53.4
Dunn 46.6
Republican primary
Strickland 40.9
Maldonado 36.9
Insur. Comm.
Bustamante 70.5
Kraft 29.5
Supt. of Schools
O'Connell 52.5, avoids run-off
For complete election results click here.
73: 47.4-52.6
74: 45-55
75: 46.6-53.4
76: 38-62
77: 40.5-59.5
78: 41.5-58.5
79: 38.9-61.1
80: 34.3-65.7
For complete election results click here.
This month online animated cartoons are all the rage. Today, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Phil Angelides released a cartoon further his Bush-Schwarzenegger agenda message. Check it out here. |
Comments on "Cartoons for Governor!"
Halliburon, Cheney, Enron oh my...
Angelides truly is the candidate of Michael Moore, Al Fraken, and the exreme left wing. I used to think that some on the extreme right were worth a laugh with all their black helicopters. But, with a little help from his friends at MoveOn, etc. it appears that our State Treasurer has captured that hill.
God help California if Angelides and his ilk capture control of this state. I never thougt I would find any solace in a Schwarzenegger candidacy in '06. But, given the alternatives - Schwarzenegger seems like one heck of a choice.
Schwarzenegger seems like a good choice for California if you have disdain and distaste for the working people of California, the majority of our great state by the way.
The governor's act is wearing thin, and with every passing day and every initiative he sponsors Schwarzenegger moves further right. (Endorsing Prop. 73? A blatant play to the religious zealot right, for the allegedly pro-choice Schwarzenegger.)
Angelides is the candidate of the mainstream. That's why hundreds of Democratic leaders throughout California have endorsed him, from the liberal Barbara Boxer, to the moderate Diane Feinstein (that's right, she's a moderate; check her voting record on things like military spending).
Angelides may be the candidate of the extreme left wing. But he's also the candidate of the middle. And the workers. And the teachers. And business leaders. And environmentalists. And women, African Americans, Latinos, and students.
God help California if we have to endure four more years of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his right-wing agenda.
Arnold "right wing"? Only in Oz, my friend.
As a teacher who watched his local union leadership endorese three "pro-teacher" candidates for school board after they failed to account for $2.5 million in the budget (this is a small school district with only 4 highschools). I couldn't be happier to support Prop 75. They used my dues to support the so-called "teacher friendly" school board members who were so negligent in their job that our club funds were raided to help fill the gap.
As for Prop 73 - the parental notification initiative. How could you even remotely consider that evidence of a Schwarzenegger shift to the right? Let me get this straight - an intitiative that leaves choice in place (the minor CHILD still gets to make the choice), but informs parents of the invasive surgery is right wing? I guess common sense is now a captive of the right wing.
The funny thing about the far left is the hyprocrisy -- let me see now... a minor can't get a tan at all, can't get a tattoo without mom or dad's permission, can't get an aspirin at school without mom or dad's permission, can't get pierced without mom or dad's permission. But, if that CHILD is having sex and gets pregnant - by all means... don't seek the permission of mom or dad before that CHILD has invasive surgery - heck, let's be extra-careful... don't, I mean don't, even notify mom or dad. Clearly she is mature enough to make this decision and deal with it on her own... oh yeah, just as long as she isn't tan while she gets the abortion.
It is truly sad that abortion has become do darn political that even a common sense idea like involving parents in the major life-changing circumstances of their child is described as a "right wing" attack on (fill in the blank with your chosen poll-tested political buzz word).
For this credentialed teacher and father of two adolescent girls - I hope the "right wing" wins on Prop 73 and 75 so I can keep some of my hard earned money and know that I will not be thwarted by some profit-motivated adults in my efforts to be involved with my children.